Texas Conspiracy Museum

By Ian Kleine

Reading political novels on how the government skillfully sets up fiendish and devious plans to erase and put people and events out of existence really gets the inner detective in you. Perhaps a visit to a museum would quench that thirst?

This Conspiracy Museum follows the theories of famed 'assassinologist' R.B. Cutler. Apparently, the core root is more than just that. A lot of events that were somehow not-connected, are all connected. Bit confusing? Think of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Harvey Oswald, Korean Airlines 007 (which was acronymed 'KA007'), and Robert Kennedy. I wouldn't be surprised if the Taliban, Osama or anybody else from the Malaysian or Philippine region would make an appearance in later conspiracy theories.

A visual aid, well, a drawing of the 'Conspiracy Tree' is the most conspicuous of items inside. Downstairs, another mural with blood streaks and more conspiracies (bullet splatter anyone?) can be found. It lends an aura that is a cross from ominous, to highly comical (well, it is!)

There is also a movie of the time John F. Kennedy was assassinated. With a bit of commentator prodding, and the inner-detective of each of the audience, most would jump at the time when, frame by frame, the mechanics of the assassination was 'revealed'. Classic, if I do say so myself.

The gift shop is filled with books on their subjects, namely Kennedy and how everything is linked in one big, iffy conspiracy. Highly novel, if I would say and would make for a great souvenir of this trip.

Most would think it a waste of time (with focus only on JFK's assassination), but heck, if you're a buff; why not give it a go? Perhaps you might get a few infos you might have missed, perhaps you might get a few laughs.

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